I saw these photos this morning and I knew that I would be writing about Tom Hiddleston today. Tom is the unlikeliest pimp in the world, right? These are newly released photos from GQ UK – they just published “bonus shots” from Tom’s November pictorial, which I’ve covered in previous posts. I guess the theme of the shoot was “autumn coats and suits” because there is A LOT of coat p0rn and coat pimping going on. Hiddles would have been a decent model if Shakespeare hadn’t come calling. Ha.
Anyway, Tom was in Australia yesterday (I think he’s still there), giving interviews and promoting the hell out of Thor 2: The Dark World. Where’s Chris Hemsworth? Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. It’s all about Loki. LOKI LOKI LOKI. Tom told one interviewer in regards to Loki, “I’ve spoken to older women who actually love the delicacy of his emotional palate. He’s actually vulnerable and heartbroken. They find that interesting.” For the love of God, Hiddles. Don’t patronizingly speak of your “older women” Loki fan-girls.
And in this interview, Tom makes “tennis noises”. They’re pretty much sex noises so just enjoy. He also talks about his main homegirl Bill Shakespeare, because of course he does.